13 January, 2015

walking the dog

I think my favourite part of every day is when I take Meeka out for a walk.  She must be the only dog I have EVER known who hides when "walk" is heard; she's quite a scaredy cat for a street dog.  But I'm hoping to desensitize her to all the noise and people everything else she is scared of by taking her out every day.  Since I have got back (and now have an anti pull harness that I bought for her in the US) I have been making an effort to get out and explore my "hood".

Today I finally remembered to take my phone with me (and my son who made it back from the US with his brother this morning and is here for mere days before heading back to Aus).  I am amazed with all the things I am discovering around where I live.  I always knew that Balestier Rd area was a Singapore heritage trail, but when you look out the window, all you see are condos, and it's only when you start heading down the back streets that the magic starts to happen.  I love the juxtaposition of old and new, the little gems hidden away.  And the fact that these historical buildings are all protected in Singapore these days and will stay there no matter how many of these high rises spring up all around them.

Here's some photos from our walk today....

Really looking forward to going to this trendy bike shop/cafe- I've spent a few walks trying to find it.  Although Oscar and I went there today,  we had no money with us.  Maybe tomorrow.

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